Mandee Lee Wellness

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How to Bring the Studio Home

Clearly I'm a big proponent for working out at home. This is for a lot of reasons and everyone has their own. I wonder if this may have started for me when I was young and practiced my dance routines at home and worked on my choreography in my room. Later, after I had my daughter, I didn't like dragging her to the gym. I didn't feel like it was in her best interest most of the time when I knew I could get in a great workout from my own living room. Then I began training other women to do the same thing. I went to them and showed them that they could get a lot of benefit  from workouts or yoga practices done in their own living rooms.

At this point in my life, it's what I prefer if I'm being honest. It's my time to myself and almost like a moving meditation sometimes. Also, I'm truly an introvert when it comes down to it, so I enjoy private time. I know a lot of other people are like this, as well, but when the subject of working out out at home comes up, I tend to get a lot of the same responses... "I don't have enough space", "I wouldn't know what to do", "I'm not self-motivated enough" and "I don't have any equipment". I'm here today to tell you that, if you want to, you can bring the studio home and you can achieve great success towards your goals without having to go anywhere at all. 

"I don't have enough space." 
If you have a space that is at least the size of a yoga mat, you have enough space. That gives you enough space to step, lunge, squat, hop or anything else you would need to do. It gives you enough space to lie down, push up, roll up, and anything else you might want to do on the ground. Rarely in a yoga practice or Pilates workout, do you need to extend into space beyond the boundaries of a mat sized space. It's really all you need. 

"I wouldn't know what to do."
This is where fitness professionals come in handy. You don't have to know everything on your own. That's why people like me have jobs. If a personal trainer isn't in your budget, explore other options, like pre-made workout programs. Research who created it and make sure they are a credible source. My Total Body Tone-Up program is only $5.99. It doesn't get much more affordable than that. If you want more guidance, check out the Full Circle Members Club and get on-demand workout videos done with me in real time... it's the next best thing to having me come to you. It also gives you access to a private Facebook forum where you can get all of your health and fitness questions answered by me. Joining the Full Circle Members Club is only $14.99. So, if you're like so many others and need a more affordable options, do some research. There is a lot of information out there these days. 

"I'm not self-motivated enough."
 Again, this is where a fitness professional comes to the rescue. If, as discussed before, this isn't an option, get an accountability partner. Team up with someone you know and hold each other accountable to make sure you do what you say you're going to do. Want to take that up a notch? Make each other a bet... if you don't hold up your end of the deal, you owe them $20 or vise versa. It's a fun little way to keep yourself honest and, most importantly, keep yourself moving. 

"I don't have any equipment."
If you have a body, you have enough equipment. There is PLENTY that you can do with your own body. If you want more, start collecting small items one at a time. You can get a lot of equipment at places like Target or Academy and most of it is extremely affordable, like dumbbells, kettlebells or stability balls. You can also get a lot of benefit from using the house itself... stairs, countertops and ottomans make great props. 

In addition to convenience, working out at home saves you money and time and the stress of childcare if you're a parent. If you are, get your kids in on the fun, too. I know that every time my daughter sees me working out, she sees that I'm making my health a priority (even if she doesn't understand it that way yet), and I'm setting the example for her to do the same. Choose your designated workout space and make it a place you want to spend some time in. Spend a few minutes making playlists you love. Put pictures up nearby of family and things that make you happy. Get a diffuser or light candles if you're doing yoga. Make it your happy place.

If you've been wondering how to make working out at home work for you, I hope these tips help. Have some other favorite tips of your own? Be sure and share them below in the comments!